Digital printing is an excellent example of how an application can be implemented in an existing, industrial production line, in this case replacing old screen-printing technology. The 3D-UV printer is part of the Printer Facility Platform (PFP), an open platform combining and adapting (to) the modules necessary to build and maintain industrial printing, while adhering to user-specifications.
The architecture of the Printer Facility Platform is based on industrial remote monitoring, sensing and control systems for machines and production-units. The Printer Facility Platform uses remote sensing, monitoring and control systems for separate machines as well as production units as a whole, using SQL-event databases and the TCP-IP-protocol.
PFP is system independent, encompassing all software necessary to reprogram random PLC's. Hence, modules already incorporated in a process can easily be replaced by those of other manufacturers' and additions such as sensing, robot-arms, 3D printer heads, XYZ-positioning, 3D scanning, can also be easily made. Furnishing the system with its required supplies and removal of its produce can also be automated / robotized.
Vision technology is implemented at high volume systems to verify the exact print results and print-quality of the passing products in real-time. Because of the high-volumes, small printing errors could result in large product drops-outs. Therefor instant print-quality control by Vision is usually recommended.
Monitoring, surveillance, operations and maintenance of the printing processes is worldwide available via Internet connection. The Internet can serve to approach the history, status and planning of the system, to effect the monitoring, operating and maintenance of the system and to convey alerts (that can be defined as warnings, or triggers for remote maintenance).

Process flow for one-pass digital printing, all printed products are continuously controlled by Vision.